Frau Weber

Dementia does not have a constant course, says Mrs. Weber. In the case of her mother, the fluctuation in functioning was so pronounced that there were times when Mrs. Weber doubted that her mother had dementia at all.

Dementia does not have a constant course, says Mrs. Weber. Bright moments alternate with bad days. The fluctuation in functioning was so pronounced that there were times when Mrs. Weber doubted that her mother had dementia at all.

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Dementia does not have a constant course, says Mrs. Weber. In the case of her mother, the fluctuation in functioning was so pronounced that there were times when Mrs. Weber doubted that her mother had dementia at all.

W: Darum eben auch einfach das Wissen, das der Verlauf… ich denke, für mich war es manchmal wirklich so, dass ich dachte, bin ich es jetzt? Habe ich jetzt Wahnvorstellungen? Denn der Verlauf war manchmal so schwankend. Es gab wirklich Tage, wo ich dachte, ich glaube, ich bin nicht ganz normal [lacht]. Weil die Tage so so klar und wieder gut gewesen sind, dass ich dachte, nein, jetzt ist sie doch nicht dement.


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