Frau Martin-Perret

Her husband keeps the disease concealed; he does not want to talk about it. Mrs. Martin-Perret instructs others that they should not raise the topic of the disease with him or make it an issue.

Her husband keeps the disease concealed; he does not want to talk about it. Mrs. Martin-Perret instructs others that they should not raise the topic of the disease with him or make it an issue.

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Her husband keeps the disease concealed; he does not want to talk about it. Mrs. Martin-Perret instructs others that they should not raise the topic of the disease with him or make it an issue.

M-P : […] Et d’ailleurs aux personnes, ce matin on a un ami qui est venu, il fallait réparer quelque chose, il lui dit tu sais moi je n’ai rien, je vais bien. Alors moi je ne vais surtout pas lui parler de maladie. Et c’est ce que je dis aux personnes : surtout, ne lui parlez pas de ça, parce que d’ailleurs, j’ai lu que facilement les personnes veulent, voilà, elles veulent l’ignorer, la maladie. Ça porte un nom, mais je ne me souviens plus.


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