Frau Engel

Mrs. Engel, 71 years old at the time of the interview, is married and lives with her husband, who is 84 years old, in the northwestern part of Switzerland. At the time of the interview, Mrs. Engel is in the process of selling their house in order to move with her husband, who suffers from dementia to an accessible apartment within the locality where they live. Mrs. Engel is currently caring for her husband herself. Her daughter, who is her father’s guardian and lives nearby, helps. Mrs. Engel has no plans for further assistance, as she is managing to handle the situation. Her husband’s health is good, she says, and it is not stressful for care for him. Her generally positive disposition and the information she has received about the disease help her to deal with her husband. Mrs. Engel is experienced with the disease; her mother, whom she cared for part of the time, also had dementia. However, Mrs. Engel perceives differences between the course of the disease in her husband and its progression in her mother. Mrs. Engel was employed.

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