Module presentation (PPT)

Mirriam presents the module on pregnancy and prenatal testing. Subtitles available.


Mirriam Tyebally Fang

Mirriam Tyebally Fang is a PhD candidate, pursuing a degree in Bioethics at the University of Zurich. She is medical doctor by training, and has worked in the public hospital system in Singapore prior to her PhD. She has also been involved in teaching and developing the anatomy curriculum in medical school. Mirriam has been a member of since its inception, and leads a research module on pregnancy experiences in Switzerland.

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I would like to share my personal experience on this topic. Get in contact with us

Module presentation (PPT)

Hi, I’m Mirriam.

I’m the mother of a love two-year-old girl, and also the lead of the pregnancy module for DIPEx Switzerland.

Every woman has a different experience of pregnancy, and as much as we want to, we cannot prepare for every eventuality. What we can do, is to tap into the experience and the wisdom of the women who have gone through this before us. Taking advantage of hindsight, and the advice and wisdom that they have.

I’m especially interested in experiences of care during pregnancy and prenatal checks, especially as prenatal testing develops in complexity. The aim is to improve the current system, so that it is reflective of the needs and values of expectant mothers, and to support women to make decisions in line with these needs and values.

At the end of the day, I would like to be able to support and help women in a way that is useful to them.

Pregnancy and Prenatal Testing

Pregnancy – it can be joyous, exciting, nerve-wrecking, heart-breaking, and everything in between. Our pregnancy module would like to capture the varied experiences of parents across Switzerland, providing a resource for other parents who may be going through similar experiences, and for medical professionals to understand what their patients face outside the medical office.
If you have a story you would like to share, please do get in touch with us. Our research team is currently looking for mothers who have recently given birth and who have done non-invasive prenatal testing (you may know this as the Praena test, Harmony test, or Panorama test). We are also looking to understand the experience of mothers who have children with chronic illnesses and genetic syndromes, as well as that of mothers who have made the decision to terminate their pregnancies because of genetic conditions diagnosed in their child.
Please know that you can choose to be as private about your story (using it anonymously for research) or as public about your story (i.e. sharing it on our website) as is comfortable for you.
We are grateful to the selfless contributions of all our participants.


Mirriam Tyebally Fang

Mirriam Tyebally Fang is a PhD candidate, pursuing a degree in Bioethics at the University of Zurich. She is medical doctor by training, and has worked in the public hospital system in Singapore prior to her PhD. She has also been involved in teaching and developing the anatomy curriculum in medical school. Mirriam has been a member of since its inception, and leads a research module on pregnancy experiences in Switzerland.

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