Mr. Esposito is 79 years old at the time of the interview. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's dementia a few years earlier. He lives in Italian-speaking Switzerland and is cared for at home by a caregiver who is with him around the clock. His caregiver is present during the interview. Mr. Esposito is divorced. He has two children who support him. The disease puts a lot of stress on Mr. Esposito, which is why he has considered ending his life.
Mr. Esposito says his cognitive impairment isolates him socially. When he receives a call or wants to call someone, his caregiver has to take over for him, which makes him aware of his dependency.
Herr Bordoni
Mr. Bordoni is limited by his memory failures.
Mr. Bordoni experiences his memory lapses, which cannot be controlled, as limiting. It is sometimes incomprehensible to him what he forgets. Although he wants to, he does not succeed in remembering things again. He therefore sees his wife more affected by the circumstances than himself.
Impairments, restrictions and impacts
Herr de Luca
Mr. de Luca is struggling to get organised.
Mr. de Luca feels less limited by forgetfulness than by his quickly tiring mind and slowed thinking. He has trouble organizing himself. He therefore does everything that requires attention in the morning, when he is rested.
Impairments, restrictions and impacts
Mr. Esposito is 79 years old at the time of the interview. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's dementia a few years earlier. He lives in Italian-speaking Switzerland and is cared for at home by a caregiver who is with him around the clock. His caregiver is present during the interview. Mr. Esposito is divorced. He has two children who support him. The disease puts a lot of stress on Mr. Esposito, which is why he has considered ending his life.
Herr Esposito
Mr. Esposito's mobility is severely restricted.
Mr Esposito's mobility is severely restricted. The fact that he can no longer walk alone weighs heavily on him. He sees himself in stark contrast to his former self, when he was athletic and courageously mastered dangerous situations.
Impairments, restrictions and impacts
Herr Esposito
Mr. Esposito says his cognitive impairment isolates him socially.
Mr. Esposito says his cognitive impairment isolates him socially. When he receives a call or wants to call someone, his caregiver has to take over for him, which makes him aware of his dependency.
Impairments, restrictions and impacts
Herr Esposito
The diagnosis causes a major crisis for Mr. Esposito.
When Mr. Esposito is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, he is devastated.
Herr Esposito
Mr. Esposito did nothing with foresight because he did not expect a serious illness like dementia.
Mr. Esposito did nothing with foresight because he did not anticipate a serious illness such as dementia. If he had written a living will, he says today, it would have stated his wish to end his life.
Advance care planning
Herr Esposito
The disease has changed his whole identity, says Mr. Esposito.
The disease has changed his whole identity, says Mr. Esposito. He now sees himself as someone who is a burden to others.
Impairments, restrictions and impacts
Herr Esposito
Mr. Esposito feels deprived of life possibilities.
Mr. Esposito feels deprived of life possibilities. For him, the lost mobility and decreased competency mean a radical break with the active person he used to be.
Herr Esposito
Mr. Esposito wishes he could talk about assisted suicide without censorship.
Mr. Esposito cannot make recommendations on how to deal with dementia patients. Instead, he wishes he could talk about assisted suicide without censorship. This also led him to participate in the interview.
Recommendations of the patients
Herr Esposito
Mr. Esposito repeatedly expresses the wish to end his life in the interview.
In the interview, Mr. Esposito repeatedly expresses the wish to end his life. The dementia-related mental and physical limitations are so drastic for him that he no longer wants to live.
Learning to live with dementia
Herr Esposito
Mr. Esposito cannot express his perspective to his children, which he can understand.
Mr. Esposito cannot express his perspective to his children, which he understands, especially since they do not live through his suffering themselves.
Learning to live with dementia
Herr Esposito
The psychologist who supports him is not able to understand the suffering associated with dementia, says Mr. Esposito.
No one who has not lived through this disease can fully understand the suffering associated with it, not even the psychologist who supports him, says Mr. Esposito.
Learning to live with dementia
Herr Esposito
An anti-dementia medication does not relieve him of his troubling condition or alleviate his suffering, Mr. Esposito says.
Mr. Esposito is taking an anti-dementia medication. He knows that it is not a rescue drug that will relieve him of his troubling condition or alleviate his suffering.
Therapeutic approaches
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