Mr. Bordoni is 73 years old at the time of the interview and lives in a remote region in Italian-speaking Switzerland with his wife of 10 years, Mrs. Bordoni, who was also interviewed. Mr. Bordoni was diagnosed with Alzheimer's dementia when he was 70 years old. He describes the fact that the diagnosis came after his retirement as a stroke of luck. He said he was spared dismissal due to the impairments caused by the disease. Mr Bordoni worked as a precision mechanic. Mr Bordoni is supported by his wife and regularly receives psychological counselling.
Mr. Bordoni practices composure and calm. Staying calm and relaxed works for him especially when nothing happens and everything runs routinely.
Herr Jenny und Herr Jenny
To overcome his sadness and frustration, Mr. Jenny tries to accept his illness.
To overcome his sadness and frustration, Mr. Jenny tries to accept his illness and to be happy about the beautiful things in life.
Learning to live with dementia
Herr Cohen
It took time for Mr. Cohen to change his attitude.
It took time for Mr. Cohen to change his attitude. Today, he does different things than he used to and values them differently. Activities that he used to do and care about are not as important to him today.
Learning to live with dementia
Mr. Bordoni is 73 years old at the time of the interview and lives in a remote region in Italian-speaking Switzerland with his wife of 10 years, Mrs. Bordoni, who was also interviewed. Mr. Bordoni was diagnosed with Alzheimer's dementia when he was 70 years old. He describes the fact that the diagnosis came after his retirement as a stroke of luck. He said he was spared dismissal due to the impairments caused by the disease. Mr Bordoni worked as a precision mechanic. Mr Bordoni is supported by his wife and regularly receives psychological counselling.
Herr Bordoni
Mr. Bordoni is limited by his memory failures.
Mr. Bordoni experiences his memory lapses, which cannot be controlled, as limiting. It is sometimes incomprehensible to him what he forgets. Although he wants to, he does not succeed in remembering things again. He therefore sees his wife more affected by the circumstances than himself.
Impairments, restrictions and impacts
Herr Bordoni
The relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Bordoni gets into trouble.
When Mr. Bordoni can no longer remember, his wife comes to his aid. The fact that he is dependent on his wife is in turn problematic for Mr. Bordoni. The relationship becomes unbalanced.
Processes of adaptation
Herr Bordoni
Mr. Bordoni still goes to the mountains.
Mr. Bordoni used to spend a lot of time in the mountains, so he still keeps fit today.
Learning to live with dementia
Herr Bordoni
Mr. Bordoni's driving licence was withdrawn after the diagnosis.
Without further ado, the diagnosis is revealed to Mr. Bordoni by a geriatrician. He realizes how much the diagnosis will change his life. The withdrawal of his driving license immediately after the diagnosis means isolation for him because he lives in a remote region.
Herr Bordoni
Mr Bordoni noticed his forgetfulness.
Mr Bordoni noticed his forgetfulness; for days he searched for things.
Learning to live with dementia
Herr Bordoni
Mr. Bordoni sees himself at the mercy of dementia because of a lack of cure.
Mr. Bordoni finds himself at the mercy of dementia because of a lack of cure. There is nothing he can do about it. The disease weighs heavily on him. He tries to keep calm.
Herr Bordoni
It is important for Mr. Bordoni that his family is patient with him.
For Mr. Bordoni, it is important that his family is patient with him. Things are forgotten not on purpose, but due to illness. His memory lapses cannot be controlled.
What helps? - Patients' perspective
Herr Bordoni
Mr. Bordoni practices composure and calm.
Mr. Bordoni practices composure and calm. Staying calm and relaxed works for him especially when nothing happens and everything runs routinely.
Learning to live with dementia
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