Ms. Bodmer is 28 years old at the time of the interview, has two siblings, and lives in the northern part of Switzerland. Ms. Bodmer is currently working in education. Her 88-year-old grandmother, who is physically healthy, developed dementia six years ago. Her grandmother does not have a specific dementia diagnosis. Ms. Bodmer's grandmother lives alone at home in a small village. Ms. Bodmer's father, who lives in the immediate vicinity, cares for his mother daily. There is a wider support network of family members, friends, and neighbors who are in daily contact with Ms. Bodmer’s grandmother as well. The grandchildren help around the house, and Ms. Bodmer visits her grandmother on weekends to do things with her. Outside help from the outpatient nursing service has been considered by the family, but Ms. Bodmer’s grandmother is emotionally sensitive to the suggestion of bringing in external support.
Visiting her grandmother on the weekends has become exhausting, Ms. Bodmer says. Having a free weekend to herself is more attractive, she says, which gnaws at her conscience.
Herr Jenny und Herr Jenny
Slipping into the role of caretaker causes Mr. Jenny trouble.
Whether Mr. Jenny has eaten a hot meal, his brother is often not sure. He thinks his brother sometimes overplays the situation, which puts him in a clinch because he has to take on the role of chaperone. He wrestles with himself again and again.
Processes of adaptation
Herr Sonderegger
Mr. Sonderegger comes into moral conflict with himself because he has to patronize his wife and restrict her freedom of movement.
Mr. Sonderegger recently installed a fence in the garden to prevent his wife from falling as much as possible and thus avert potential complicated medical interventions. It remains a moral conflict for him to patronize his wife and restrict her freedom of movement.
Processes of adaptation
Ms. Bodmer is 28 years old at the time of the interview, has two siblings, and lives in the northern part of Switzerland. Ms. Bodmer is currently working in education. Her 88-year-old grandmother, who is physically healthy, developed dementia six years ago. Her grandmother does not have a specific dementia diagnosis. Ms. Bodmer's grandmother lives alone at home in a small village. Ms. Bodmer's father, who lives in the immediate vicinity, cares for his mother daily. There is a wider support network of family members, friends, and neighbors who are in daily contact with Ms. Bodmer’s grandmother as well. The grandchildren help around the house, and Ms. Bodmer visits her grandmother on weekends to do things with her. Outside help from the outpatient nursing service has been considered by the family, but Ms. Bodmer’s grandmother is emotionally sensitive to the suggestion of bringing in external support.
Frau Bodmer
A trip that Ms. Bodmer took with her grandmother reflects perpetual tensions: between including her grandmother despite that being overwhelming for her grandmother, between investing in the relationship despite efforts being quickly forgotten.
Ms. Bodmer took her grandmother on a trip, although it required a lot of effort and caused significant stress. A week later, her grandmother could no longer remember the trip. Ms. Bodmer experiences a tightrope walk between wanting to including her grandmother and not wanting to overtaxing her, between wanting to invest in the relationship since the two were always very close, and not wanting to be disappointed when her grandmother forgets the interaction.
Processes of adaptation
Frau Bodmer
Visiting her grandmother on weekends has become exhausting, Ms. Bodmer says. Having a free weekend to herself is more attractive, she says, which gnaws at her conscience.
Visiting her grandmother on the weekends has become exhausting, Ms. Bodmer says. Having a free weekend to herself is more attractive, she says, which gnaws at her conscience.
Processes of adaptation
Frau Bodmer
Drawing up an advance directive was a complicated undertaking in the family, says Ms. Bodmer.
Drawing up an advance directive was a complicated undertaking in the family, says Ms. Bodmer. Like her grandmother, her father's brother was afraid his preferences wouldn’t be taken into account.
Four levels of communication of the caregivers
Frau Bodmer
Ms. Bodmer wants to be able to decide for herself about the end of her life, which she credits to generational change.
Like her grandmother, Ms. Bodmer cannot imagine moving into a nursing home. She wants to be able to decide for herself about the end of her life, which she credits to generational change.
Advance care planning
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