
Quentin Q.

Mr. Quentin Q was in ICU for a week, including 3 days on mechanical ventilation and in an induced coma. He remembers the care team but also moments of hallucinations where he saw different people when it was not possible. The COVID environment only allowed him to communicate with his wife by phone. He understood later that the situation had been very distressing for her.


For Mr. Quentin Q. everything was quick and confuse.

Mr Quentin Q. remembers that everything had to happen very quickly. His perception remains confused about the staff and the other patients.

Video Interview


In fact everything went very fast, I think I didn't even have time to say goodbye to my wife, she had kept my (-) my bag and then uh I just remember that I got a mask and I fell asleep. I think it was that very night and I stayed asleep for a week (-) in an artificial coma. And it seems that for three days the doctors tried to watch my oxygen which should have gone up and then it went down instead and then after that there were three days of intubation. So for 72 hours I was intubated. I remember the intensive care unit where I was in a cubicle, there were 7 or 8 uh (-) the nurses took good care of me, the medical team, a doctor accompanied by assistants came to check on me. I remember things like that. But it was quite confusing when I woke up and then the few days that followed.

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