
Evelyne E.

Ms. Evelyn E. can no longer remember exactly when she was admitted to the intensive care unit. It all happened very quickly. When she woke up after the two weeks in the coma, she was very confused. She reports feelings of anger, questions or apologies, and the importance of communication in the ICU.


Mrs. Eveline E has memory problems and feels that she was sometines unnoticed.

Ms Eveline E. listened to the private conversations of the nursing staff, who acted as if she was not present and sometimes felt unnoticed.

Video Interview


I felt like I was next to everybody, not really in the middle. I saw that I was put in a chair, but I don't remember when I got out of bed for example; I was in the chair, and then there were two girls talking to each other. They were obviously students because they were talking about their classes, their teaching; they were saying that you have to practice to repeat. Then I'm thinking but what am I doing here in between? I didn't understand what I was doing. I: Do you feel like people thought you couldn't hear? E: It's possible, because I could hear them, but I couldn't see them. So did I have my eyes closed? I don't know. I think I had my eyes closed.

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