
Anonymus 3

This person wishes to remain anonymous.


This person was desperate.

This person had a hard time seeing his wife lying in intensive care and still had trouble talking about it.


Yes, it is quite intense. So as a relative, when you know your partner like that and then suddenly he's lying there and you can't do anything. That is already violent. It pulls your legs out the first few times. Until one has coped with it.../.../ That from now on also immediately everything completely, so. And then itself I saw her only the next day. Then she was a completely different person. All the medicines and everything. That's when my legs pulled away at first. I needed a bit of a time-out.../.../ I sometimes still need my space, my time, to process the whole thing a bit. In the meantime it works now. I am also one who does not talk about such things.

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