Multiple Sclerosis

In this module, patients talk about their experiences in dealing with multiple sclerosis (MS). MS is a chronic inflammatory and most common disease of the nervous system. The effects of its multilayered symptoms and different forms of the disease can reach into all areas of people’s lives. They can vary from a mild form, so that an impairment is hardly noticeable in everyday life, to more severe forms, in which physical and mental health is considerably affected. The first symptoms can appear already in adolescence, at the age of 20 to 40 years or after the age of 45.

In short films, text or audio contributions, those affected tell their personal story about how they deal with MS. For example, they report on the treatments they receive, how they cope with the everyday life effects of MS, where they find help and information or how their lives have changed since they were diagnosed.

The contributions in this module aims to help people understand what it means to live with MS, the disease with a thousand faces, according to the motto: “Nothing about us without us”.

This module was financially supported by the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Society.

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